
Gamer Crit

Zombie Vikings: A Mediocre Co-op Brawler

Zombie Vikings: A Mediocre Co-op Brawler

Zombie Vikings: A Mediocre Co-op Brawler

Zombie Vikings

Release Date:Sep 2015
IGDB Rating:6.1/10
Published:2 months ago
Zombie Vikings is a co-op brawler developed by Zoink Games that attempts to combine humor, action, and quirky characters in a Norse mythology setting. Unfortunately, the game falls short in several aspects, making it a mediocre experience for players.

One of the major disappointments is the gameplay. While the concept of controlling a team of zombie vikings sounds promising, the execution is lacking. The controls feel clunky and unresponsive, making it difficult to perform combos or execute precise moves. This leads to frustrating moments during combat and hampers the overall enjoyment of the game.
Zombie Vikings screenshot 1

The story of Zombie Vikings is also underwhelming. Despite the potential for a unique and engaging narrative in a Norse mythology setting, the game fails to deliver. The plot feels disjointed and lacks depth, with weak character development and predictable twists. It's a missed opportunity to explore the rich mythology and create a captivating story.

Another drawback is the lack of variety in gameplay. Zombie Vikings quickly becomes repetitive, with the same combat encounters and level designs being recycled throughout the game. This lack of variety makes the experience feel monotonous and quickly loses its appeal.
Zombie Vikings screenshot 2

On a positive note, the game does offer a co-op mode, allowing you to play with friends and tackle the challenges together. However, even this aspect is marred by the clunky controls and repetitive gameplay, making it less enjoyable than it could have been.

Visually, Zombie Vikings is charming, with its vibrant and colorful art style. The character designs are unique and memorable, adding a whimsical touch to the game. However, the visuals alone cannot compensate for the lackluster gameplay and story.
Zombie Vikings screenshot 3

In conclusion, Zombie Vikings is a mediocre co-op brawler that falls short in terms of gameplay and story. While the visuals may initially draw you in, the clunky controls, repetitive gameplay, and weak narrative quickly sour the experience. With so many other engaging co-op brawlers available, it's difficult to recommend Zombie Vikings as a worthwhile choice. Save your time and seek out a more polished and enjoyable game in this genre.
Article tags:
Zombie Vikings
co-op brawler
Norse mythology