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Zombie Incident Game Guide: Survive the Undead Apocalypse

Zombie Incident Game Guide: Survive the Undead Apocalypse

Zombie Incident Game Guide: Survive the Undead Apocalypse

Zombie Incident

Release Date:Jan 2012
IGDB Rating:5.9/10
Published:5 months ago
Zombie Incident is an action-packed survival game that pits you against hordes of bloodthirsty zombies. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential tips and strategies to help you survive the undead apocalypse.

1. Choose the Right Weapon: Selecting the right weapon is crucial for your survival. Experiment with different weapons and find one that suits your playstyle. Shotguns and assault rifles are great for close combat, while sniper rifles are perfect for picking off zombies from a distance.

2. Aim for the Head: Zombies can be resilient, but a well-placed headshot can take them down instantly. Practice your aim and always aim for the head to conserve ammo and take out zombies efficiently.
Zombie Incident screenshot 1

3. Manage Your Resources: Resources like ammo and health kits are limited, so use them wisely. Avoid unnecessary confrontations and only engage when necessary. Explore the environment to find hidden stashes of resources and stock up whenever possible.

4. Utilize Environmental Hazards: Take advantage of the environment to gain an upper hand. Use explosive barrels to create chain reactions that take out multiple zombies at once. Utilize traps and obstacles to slow down the undead and create opportunities for escape.

5. Keep Moving: Constant movement is essential to staying alive in Zombie Incident. Zombies are relentless and can quickly corner you if you stay in one place. Keep moving and use the environment to your advantage by navigating through tight spaces and obstacles.
Zombie Incident screenshot 2

6. Upgrade Your Skills: As you progress in the game, you will earn experience points that can be used to upgrade your skills. Prioritize upgrades that enhance your survival abilities, such as increased stamina, faster reloading, or improved accuracy.

7. Complete Side Quests: Zombie Incident offers various side quests that reward you with valuable resources and XP. Take the time to complete these quests as they can provide a significant boost to your survival chances.

8. Stay Alert: Zombies can appear from anywhere and at any time. Stay alert and keep an eye on your surroundings. Use your ears to listen for zombie growls and footsteps, as they can give away their presence.
Zombie Incident screenshot 3

9. Team up with Friends: If the game allows multiplayer mode, teaming up with friends can significantly increase your chances of survival. Coordinate your attacks, share resources, and watch each other's backs.

10. Don't Give Up: Lastly, don't give up! Surviving a zombie apocalypse is no easy feat, but with determination and the right strategies, you can overcome the undead hordes and emerge victorious.

Armed with these tips and strategies, you're ready to take on the challenges of Zombie Incident. Stay vigilant, stay alive, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Article tags:
Zombie Incident
survival game
action game
game guide