
Gamer Crit

War Front: Turning Point - A Mediocre World War II Strategy Game

War Front: Turning Point - A Mediocre World War II Strategy Game

War Front: Turning Point - A Mediocre World War II Strategy Game

War Front: Turning Point

Release Date:Feb 2007
IGDB Rating:7.3/10
Published:9 days ago
War Front: Turning Point is a World War II strategy game that attempts to put a unique twist on the genre. Set in an alternate history where Hitler is assassinated and the war takes a different turn, the game offers an interesting premise. Unfortunately, the execution falls flat, leaving players wanting more.

One of the main issues with War Front: Turning Point is its lackluster gameplay. The controls are clunky and unintuitive, making it difficult to navigate the battlefield and issue orders to units. The AI is also subpar, with units often making questionable decisions that hinder progress. This lack of polish greatly affects the overall experience and makes it hard to fully immerse oneself in the game.
War Front: Turning Point screenshot 1

Another letdown is the graphics and sound design. The visuals are outdated and lack detail, which is disappointing considering the game was released in 2007. The sound effects and music are generic and do little to enhance the atmosphere of the game.

One aspect that War Front: Turning Point does get right is the variety of units and factions available. Players can choose to command Allied, Axis, or Russian forces, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. This adds a layer of strategy to the game, as players must carefully consider their unit compositions and tactics.
War Front: Turning Point screenshot 2

However, the lack of depth in the overall gameplay mechanics limits the strategic options available. The missions can feel repetitive and predictable, and there is little incentive to replay them once completed.

In terms of multiplayer, War Front: Turning Point falls short. The multiplayer mode is limited, with only a few basic modes available. The lack of a robust multiplayer experience greatly diminishes the game's replay value.
War Front: Turning Point screenshot 3

Overall, War Front: Turning Point is a mediocre World War II strategy game. While it offers an interesting alternate history premise and a variety of factions to choose from, the lackluster gameplay, outdated graphics, and limited multiplayer options prevent it from reaching its full potential. Fans of the genre may find some enjoyment in it, but there are certainly better options available.
Article tags:
War Front: Turning Point
World War II
strategy game