
Gamer Crit

Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! Review

Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! Review

Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! Review

Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled!

Release Date:Jun 2009
IGDB Rating:8.0/10
Published:23 days ago
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! is the third installment in the series of episodic adventure games featuring the beloved claymation characters. While the previous episodes were filled with charm and humor, Episode 3 falls short in several aspects.

One of the main drawbacks of Muzzled! is its lackluster story. The plot revolves around Wallace and Gromit entering a dog show, but the narrative feels thin and uninspired. The humor, which is a trademark of the franchise, also feels forced and repetitive in this episode. The jokes often fall flat, and the witty banter between Wallace and Gromit is disappointingly absent.
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! screenshot 1

Another issue with Muzzled! is its gameplay. The puzzles are relatively easy and lack the complexity and variety seen in the previous episodes. The lack of challenge makes the gameplay feel repetitive and monotonous. Additionally, the controls can be clunky at times, leading to frustrating moments where actions do not register as intended.

Visually, the game maintains the charming claymation aesthetic that fans of Wallace & Gromit have come to love. The character designs and environments are detailed and faithful to the source material. However, the animation can be choppy at times, which takes away from the overall experience.
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! screenshot 2

On a positive note, the voice acting in Muzzled! is top-notch. The voice actors capture the essence of the characters perfectly, bringing them to life in a way that feels authentic and true to the original Wallace & Gromit films. The voice work adds a level of immersion to the game that helps compensate for its other shortcomings.

Overall, Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! fails to live up to the standards set by its predecessors. With a lackluster story, repetitive gameplay, and some technical hiccups, it falls short of capturing the charm and magic of the franchise. Fans of Wallace & Gromit may still find some enjoyment in revisiting these beloved characters, but newcomers will likely be left disappointed.
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled! screenshot 3

Rating: 5/10
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Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures: Episode 3 - Muzzled!