
Gamer Crit

V-Rally 4 Review: A Bumpy Ride

V-Rally 4 Review: A Bumpy Ride

V-Rally 4 Review: A Bumpy Ride

V-Rally 4

Release Date:Sep 2018
IGDB Rating:4.0/10
Published:17 days ago
V-Rally 4 is the latest installment in the long-running V-Rally series, and it's safe to say that this game is a bit of a bumpy ride. While it offers some thrilling moments and a wide variety of racing disciplines, it also falls short in several key areas.

One of the highlights of V-Rally 4 is the extensive range of vehicles and tracks available. From rally cars to buggies, there's something for every racing enthusiast. The tracks themselves are diverse and challenging, taking you through stunning environments across the globe.
V-Rally 4 screenshot 1

However, the gameplay mechanics in V-Rally 4 leave much to be desired. The controls are often unresponsive and the handling feels clunky and unrealistic. This can make it frustrating to navigate tight corners or maintain control at high speeds. It's a shame because the potential for exciting races is there, but the poor execution hampers the overall experience.

The graphics in V-Rally 4 are also a mixed bag. While the environments are visually impressive, with detailed landscapes and dynamic weather effects, the overall presentation feels dated. The textures are sometimes muddy and the character models lack detail. Additionally, the frame rate drops during intense moments, which can be distracting and impact gameplay.
V-Rally 4 screenshot 2

One area where V-Rally 4 excels is the variety of game modes. Whether you prefer rallying, hill climbing, or extreme events, there's plenty to keep you entertained. The career mode allows you to progress through different disciplines and unlock new vehicles, adding a sense of progression to the game.

Unfortunately, the AI opponents in V-Rally 4 are disappointingly inconsistent. They often lack challenge, with their behavior feeling scripted and predictable. This can make races feel repetitive and dull, as there's no real competition to push you to your limits.
V-Rally 4 screenshot 3

Overall, V-Rally 4 is a game that falls short of its potential. While it offers a wide range of vehicles and tracks, the poor controls, dated graphics, and lackluster AI detract from the overall experience. If you're a die-hard racing fan, you may find some enjoyment here, but for most players, there are better options available.

Rating: 5/10
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V-Rally 4