
Gamer Crit

Titanfall: IMC Rising - A Mixed Bag of New Content

Titanfall: IMC Rising - A Mixed Bag of New Content

Titanfall: IMC Rising - A Mixed Bag of New Content

Titanfall: IMC Rising

Release Date:Sep 2014
IGDB Rating:9.0/10
Published:a month ago
Titanfall: IMC Rising is the second DLC pack for the popular first-person shooter, Titanfall. While it offers some new content for players to enjoy, it falls short in some areas.

One of the highlights of IMC Rising is the addition of three new maps: Backwater, Zone 18, and Sand Trap. Each map brings a unique environment and offers different gameplay opportunities. Backwater, set in a dense swamp, allows for intense close-quarters combat. Zone 18, a futuristic cityscape, provides ample verticality for wall-running and parkour. Sand Trap, a desert wasteland, offers long-range battles and strategic positioning. These new maps add variety to the game and keep the multiplayer experience fresh.
Titanfall: IMC Rising screenshot 1

Along with the new maps, IMC Rising introduces a new game mode called Zone Control. In this mode, teams must capture and hold specific zones on the map to earn points. It adds a layer of strategy to the gameplay and encourages teamwork. However, the execution of Zone Control feels lackluster. The mode lacks depth and can become repetitive after a few matches. It doesn't bring enough innovation to stand out from other game modes in the base game.

While the new maps and game mode are welcome additions, IMC Rising falls short in terms of overall content. The DLC pack lacks significant additions in terms of weapons, Titans, or customization options. It feels like a missed opportunity to expand the gameplay experience. Players who were hoping for more variety in loadouts or new Titan abilities will be left disappointed.
Titanfall: IMC Rising screenshot 2

On the technical side, IMC Rising suffers from some performance issues. Players have reported occasional frame rate drops, lag, and matchmaking problems. These issues can impact the overall enjoyment of the game and hinder the multiplayer experience. It's disappointing to see these technical shortcomings still present in a DLC pack.

Overall, Titanfall: IMC Rising offers some enjoyable new maps and a new game mode to enhance the multiplayer experience. However, it falls short in terms of overall content and suffers from technical issues. If you're a die-hard fan of Titanfall, the DLC pack may be worth it for the new maps alone. However, for casual players or those looking for substantial additions to the gameplay, IMC Rising may not be worth the investment.
Article tags:
Titanfall: IMC Rising
first-person shooter
new maps
new game mode