
Gamer Crit

The Ultimate Guide for 1979 Revolution: Black Friday

The Ultimate Guide for 1979 Revolution: Black Friday

The Ultimate Guide for 1979 Revolution: Black Friday

1979 Revolution: Black Friday

Release Date:Apr 2016
IGDB Rating:7.1/10
Published:6 months ago
1979 Revolution: Black Friday is an immersive choice-based narrative game set during the Iranian Revolution. In this guide, you will find everything you need to enhance your gameplay and make the most out of your experience.

1. Understand the Historical Context:
To fully appreciate the game and its storyline, it's essential to have some understanding of the Iranian Revolution. Research the events, key figures, and political climate of that time period. This background knowledge will enrich your understanding of the game's narrative.

2. Pay Attention to the Dialogue:
As a choice-based game, your decisions and dialogue choices have a significant impact on the outcomes. Pay close attention to the dialogue options presented to you and think carefully before selecting your response. Some choices may lead to unforeseen consequences, while others can alter the course of the entire game.
1979 Revolution: Black Friday screenshot 1

3. Explore Thoroughly:
Take your time to explore each location thoroughly. Look for clues, documents, and items that provide insights into the story and characters. Interact with the environment, as there may be hidden objects or important dialogue triggers that can uncover new information.

4. Building Relationships:
Throughout the game, you will encounter various characters, each with their own stories and motivations. Building relationships with these characters can influence the narrative and open up new paths. Pay attention to their reactions and choose your actions wisely to gain their trust or push them away.

5. Make Moral and Ethical Choices:
1979 Revolution: Black Friday presents players with moral and ethical dilemmas. Consider the consequences of your choices and decide how you want to navigate the challenging situations presented. Your decisions will shape the fate of the protagonist and those around them.
1979 Revolution: Black Friday screenshot 2

6. Pay Attention to Quick Time Events (QTEs):
During certain action sequences, the game utilizes Quick Time Events (QTEs) where you must press specific buttons or perform actions in a limited amount of time. Stay focused and alert during these moments to ensure you don't miss any crucial actions.

7. Replay for Different Endings:
1979 Revolution: Black Friday offers multiple endings based on the choices you make throughout the game. Once you complete the game, consider replaying it to explore different storylines and outcomes.

8. Save Frequently:
To ensure you don't lose progress or miss out on important dialogue choices, make it a habit to save frequently. This way, if you regret a decision, you can always reload a previous save and try a different path.
1979 Revolution: Black Friday screenshot 3

9. Immersive Experience:
To fully immerse yourself in the game, consider playing in a quiet environment, with headphones on and minimal distractions. The game's atmospheric soundtrack and realistic visuals will enhance your overall experience.

10. Stay Engaged:
Lastly, stay engaged with the story and characters. Invest yourself emotionally in the narrative to fully appreciate the impact of your decisions.
Article tags:
1979 Revolution: Black Friday
choice-based game
narrative game
Iranian Revolution
historical game