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The Story Goes On Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

The Story Goes On Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

The Story Goes On Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

The Story Goes On

Release Date:Mar 2018
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:2 months ago
The Story Goes On is an action-adventure game that offers a unique and ever-changing gameplay experience. As you explore the whimsical world of Pendleton Ward, you'll encounter various enemies, puzzles, and challenges. To help you navigate through this thrilling adventure, here are some tips, tricks, and strategies to keep in mind. 1. Learn the Mechanics: Familiarize yourself with the game's controls and mechanics. Understand how to use your weapons, dodge attacks, and interact with objects. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon as you progress. 2. Timing is Key: The Story Goes On is a game that heavily relies on timing. Pay attention to enemy attack patterns and learn when to strike or dodge. Perfecting your timing will be crucial in defeating tough enemies and bosses. 3. Explore and Experiment: Don't be afraid to explore every nook and cranny of each level. You never know what treasures or secrets you might find. Experiment with different weapons, power-ups, and strategies to find what works best for you. 4. Upgrade Wisely: As you defeat enemies and collect orbs, you'll earn experience points. Use these points wisely to upgrade your character's abilities and unlock new skills. Prioritize upgrades that complement your playstyle and help you overcome specific challenges. 5. Save your Progress: The Story Goes On does not feature an auto-save function. Make sure to manually save your progress whenever you reach a save point or complete a significant milestone. This will prevent you from losing valuable progress in case of unexpected game crashes or restarts. 6. Study the Lore: The Story Goes On is filled with lore and hidden story elements. Take the time to read in-game books, talk to characters, and piece together the mysteries of Pendleton Ward. Understanding the story will enhance your overall gaming experience. With these tips, tricks, and strategies in mind, you'll be well-equipped to conquer the challenges that await you in The Story Goes On. Remember to stay persistent, learn from your mistakes, and most importantly, have fun! Happy adventuring!
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The Story Goes On
game guide
tips and tricks