
Gamer Crit

The Sinking City Review: A Promising Concept Drowned by Technical Issues

The Sinking City Review: A Promising Concept Drowned by Technical Issues

The Sinking City Review: A Promising Concept Drowned by Technical Issues

The Sinking City

Release Date:Jun 2019
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:12 days ago
The Sinking City had all the potential to be an intriguing and captivating experience, with its Lovecraftian-inspired setting and detective gameplay. Unfortunately, the game falls short due to numerous technical issues that hinder the overall experience.

One of the biggest issues is the clunky and unresponsive controls. Moving the character feels sluggish and imprecise, which can be frustrating during combat encounters or when trying to navigate the open world. The camera also has a tendency to jerk around, making it difficult to maintain focus on the action.
The Sinking City screenshot 1

Furthermore, the game suffers from frequent frame rate drops and long loading times. This breaks the immersion and disrupts the flow of gameplay. It's disheartening to see such technical shortcomings in a game that had so much potential to deliver a captivating experience.

The story and atmosphere of The Sinking City are its strongest aspects. The Lovecraftian setting is wonderfully atmospheric, with dark and foreboding environments that immerse you in a mysterious and eerie world. The narrative itself is intriguing, with a complex web of conspiracies and supernatural elements that keep you engaged.
The Sinking City screenshot 2

The detective gameplay is also a highlight, as you investigate crime scenes, gather evidence, and piece together the truth behind the mysteries. However, even this aspect is marred by technical issues. The lack of polish in the controls and mechanics can make the investigation process feel tedious and frustrating.

The visuals in The Sinking City are a mixed bag. While the environmental design is impressive and captures the grim atmosphere of the game, character models and animations often fall short. Facial expressions can look stiff and unnatural, which detracts from the emotional impact of certain scenes.
The Sinking City screenshot 3

Despite its flaws, The Sinking City has a unique concept and some standout moments that make it worth playing for fans of Lovecraftian horror and detective games. However, it's hard to overlook the technical issues that plague the game and hinder its potential.

In conclusion, The Sinking City had the potential to be a fantastic game with its intriguing concept and atmospheric setting. However, the numerous technical issues, from clunky controls to frequent frame rate drops, hold it back from reaching its full potential. While it still offers some enjoyable moments, it falls short of being a truly memorable experience.
Article tags:
The Sinking City
Lovecraftian horror
detective game