
Gamer Crit

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Review - A Disappointing Spin-off

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Review - A Disappointing Spin-off

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin Review - A Disappointing Spin-off

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Release Date:Mar 2022
IGDB Rating:7.2/10
Published:6 months ago
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is a spin-off game that attempts to bring a dark and gritty tone to the beloved Final Fantasy franchise. However, it falls short of capturing the essence of what makes Final Fantasy games so special.

One of the biggest problems with Stranger of Paradise is its narrative. The story is convoluted and poorly executed, making it difficult for players to become invested in the characters or their journey. The dialogue feels forced and lacks the charm and depth that fans have come to expect from the series.
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin screenshot 1

The gameplay is also a letdown. While it attempts to combine action and RPG elements, the combat feels clunky and unpolished. The controls are often unresponsive, and the camera angles can be frustrating. The lack of variety in enemy types and repetitive level design further contribute to the game's monotonous and uninspiring gameplay.

Visually, Stranger of Paradise is a mixed bag. While the character designs are well-done and some environments are visually stunning, the overall graphics and animations feel dated. The game fails to take advantage of the power of current-generation consoles, resulting in a lackluster visual experience.
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin screenshot 2

Furthermore, the game is plagued with technical issues. From frequent frame rate drops to glitches and crashes, these issues hamper the overall enjoyment of Stranger of Paradise.

In terms of sound design, the game's soundtrack is forgettable, lacking the memorable melodies and emotional resonance that Final Fantasy games are known for. The voice acting is also hit or miss, with some performances feeling forced and unnatural.
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin screenshot 3

Ultimately, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin is a disappointing spin-off that fails to capture the magic of the iconic franchise. Its lackluster narrative, clunky gameplay, dated visuals, and technical issues make it a forgettable experience. Fans of the Final Fantasy series are better off revisiting the classics or looking forward to the mainline entries.
Article tags:
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Final Fantasy
action RPG
dark fantasy