
Gamer Crit

Star Wars Battlefront II Review: A Galactic Disappointment

Star Wars Battlefront II Review: A Galactic Disappointment

Star Wars Battlefront II Review: A Galactic Disappointment

Star Wars Battlefront II

Release Date:Nov 2017
IGDB Rating:7.2/10
Published:20 days ago
Star Wars Battlefront II had the potential to be an exceptional game that captured the essence of the Star Wars universe. Unfortunately, it falls short in many areas, leaving players with a sense of disappointment and frustration.

One of the biggest issues with Battlefront II is its progression system. It is heavily based on microtransactions, which creates an unfair playing field for those who choose not to spend additional money. Progression should be earned through skill and dedication, not through purchasing loot boxes.
Star Wars Battlefront II screenshot 1

The single-player campaign in Battlefront II is also lackluster. It feels like an afterthought, with a predictable and uninspired storyline. The missions are repetitive and fail to deliver any meaningful impact. It is clear that the focus of the game was primarily on the multiplayer aspect, leaving the single-player experience feeling shallow and forgettable.

Furthermore, the gameplay itself is underwhelming. The controls are clunky and unresponsive at times, making it difficult to fully immerse oneself in the action. The lack of variety in game modes and maps also hampers the overall replayability of the game. After a few hours of playing, the repetitive nature of the gameplay becomes apparent and leads to boredom.
Star Wars Battlefront II screenshot 2

Despite these flaws, Battlefront II does have some redeeming qualities. The graphics are stunning, capturing the visual splendor of the Star Wars universe. The sound design is also top-notch, with iconic Star Wars sounds and music adding to the immersive experience.

In conclusion, Star Wars Battlefront II fails to meet the expectations set by its predecessor and falls short in several key areas. The heavy reliance on microtransactions, lackluster single-player campaign, and repetitive gameplay all contribute to a disappointing experience. While the visuals and sound design are impressive, they cannot make up for the game's fundamental flaws. Fans of the Star Wars franchise may find some enjoyment in Battlefront II, but overall, it is a missed opportunity.
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Star Wars Battlefront II
science fiction