
Gamer Crit

Stacking: The Lost Hobo King Review

Stacking: The Lost Hobo King Review

Stacking: The Lost Hobo King Review

Stacking: The Lost Hobo King

Release Date:Apr 2011
IGDB Rating:6.0/10
Published:a month ago
Stacking: The Lost Hobo King is an expansion pack for the original Stacking game developed by Double Fine Productions. In this review, we will take a look at whether this expansion pack is worth your time and money.

The Lost Hobo King continues the story of Charlie Blackmore, the smallest matryoshka doll in the world, as he embarks on a journey to help his hobo friend regain his rightful place as the King of the Hobos. The game takes place in the same beautifully crafted world as the original game, with its unique art style and whimsical atmosphere.

One of the highlights of Stacking: The Lost Hobo King is the clever puzzles it presents. In order to progress through the game, players must stack into larger dolls and utilize their unique abilities to solve various challenges. The expansion pack introduces new dolls with different abilities, adding freshness to the gameplay. The puzzles are well-designed, requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills to solve.

The storytelling in The Lost Hobo King is engaging and keeps players invested in the game. The dialogue is witty and the characters are charming, making it easy to become immersed in the world of Stacking. The expansion pack also adds new missions and side quests, providing more content to explore.

However, Stacking: The Lost Hobo King does have its downsides. The expansion pack is relatively short, lasting only a few hours. While the puzzles are enjoyable, some players might find them too easy and lacking in challenge. Additionally, the gameplay can become repetitive after a while, as the mechanics of stacking and using doll abilities remain largely the same.

In terms of visuals and audio, The Lost Hobo King maintains the same high-quality standards as the original game. The art style is whimsical and the environments are beautifully designed. The soundtrack is delightful, complementing the gameplay and enhancing the overall experience.

Overall, Stacking: The Lost Hobo King is a solid expansion pack that continues the charm and creativity of the original game. While it may not offer a significant amount of new content or challenging gameplay, fans of the original Stacking will still find enjoyment in this expansion. However, for those who are new to the game, it might be better to start with the original before considering The Lost Hobo King.

Rating: 7.5/10
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Stacking: The Lost Hobo King
expansion pack