
Gamer Crit

Space Hulk: Ascension - A Tactical Disappointment

Space Hulk: Ascension - A Tactical Disappointment

Space Hulk: Ascension - A Tactical Disappointment

Space Hulk: Ascension

Release Date:Feb 2015
Published:17 days ago
Space Hulk: Ascension had the potential to be a thrilling and immersive tactical strategy game set in the grim darkness of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. However, it ultimately falls short of expectations and fails to deliver a satisfying experience.

One of the main issues with Space Hulk: Ascension is its lackluster gameplay mechanics. The turn-based tactical combat feels clunky and unresponsive, with limited options for strategy and decision-making. The AI of both the enemy Genestealers and your own squadmates is often frustratingly predictable, detracting from the challenge and immersion.
Space Hulk: Ascension screenshot 1

Furthermore, the game's progression system leaves much to be desired. While there are various upgrades and skills to unlock, the progression feels slow and uninspired. The lack of a compelling narrative or meaningful character development makes it difficult to care about the fate of your squad or feel invested in the overall experience.

Visually, Space Hulk: Ascension is a mixed bag. The environments and character models are detailed and atmospheric, capturing the dark and oppressive aesthetic of the Warhammer 40,000 universe. However, the animations are clunky and lack polish, detracting from the overall immersion.
Space Hulk: Ascension screenshot 2

In terms of sound design, the game does a decent job of creating a tense and foreboding atmosphere through its eerie soundtrack and atmospheric sound effects. However, the voice acting is lackluster and fails to bring the characters to life.

Overall, Space Hulk: Ascension falls short of its potential as a tactical strategy game. Its lackluster gameplay mechanics, uninspired progression system, and mixed visual and audio design make it difficult to recommend. Fans of the Warhammer 40,000 universe may find some enjoyment in exploring the dark corridors of the space hulk, but for most players, it's a disappointing experience.
Article tags:
Space Hulk: Ascension
tactical strategy
Warhammer 40
turn-based combat