
Gamer Crit

Remember Me Review: A Memorable but Flawed Experience

Remember Me Review: A Memorable but Flawed Experience

Remember Me Review: A Memorable but Flawed Experience

Remember Me

Release Date:May 2017
Published:18 days ago
Remember Me is set in a future where memories can be digitized and traded like commodities. You play as Nilin, a memory hunter who has the ability to manipulate and remix memories. The game's premise is intriguing and sets the stage for an immersive story.

The game's combat system is where Remember Me shines. It combines hand-to-hand combat with a unique memory remixing mechanic, allowing you to alter a person's memory to change their behavior. This mechanic adds an interesting layer to the gameplay and provides some memorable moments.
Remember Me screenshot 1

However, Remember Me falls short in a few areas. The platforming and traversal mechanics feel clunky and imprecise, leading to frustrating moments where you miss jumps or fall to your death. The game also suffers from repetitive level design, with many areas feeling like carbon copies of each other.

The story, while engaging overall, has its moments of confusion and lack of clarity. The narrative jumps between different time periods and characters, which can make it difficult to keep track of the plot. Additionally, the voice acting and dialogue can be hit or miss, with some performances falling flat and sounding wooden.
Remember Me screenshot 2

Visually, Remember Me is stunning. The futuristic cityscape is beautifully realized, with detailed environments and vibrant colors. The game's soundtrack is equally impressive, perfectly capturing the cyberpunk atmosphere.

Remember Me has its share of flaws, but it still manages to deliver an enjoyable experience. The combat mechanics and memory remixing gameplay are the highlights of the game, providing unique and engaging moments. However, the clunky platforming, repetitive level design, and confusing narrative drag the experience down.
Remember Me screenshot 3

Overall, Remember Me is a game worth playing for its intriguing premise and memorable combat mechanics. It's not without its flaws, but if you can overlook them, you'll find yourself immersed in a dystopian world filled with memories to unravel.

Rating: 7/10
Article tags:
Remember Me
memory manipulation