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Outlast II: The Ultimate Survival Guide

Outlast II: The Ultimate Survival Guide

Outlast II: The Ultimate Survival Guide

Outlast II

Release Date:Apr 2017
IGDB Rating:7.8/10
Published:7 months ago
Outlast II is a heart-pounding survival horror game developed by Red Barrels. In this guide, we will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to help you survive the terrifying world of Outlast II. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned player, this guide will give you the tools you need to overcome the challenges and uncover the dark secrets.

1. Save Your Batteries: The game revolves around the use of a night vision camera, which requires batteries to function. The batteries are limited, so use them wisely. Turn off the camera when it's not necessary to conserve battery life.

2. Listen Carefully: Sound is a crucial aspect of survival in Outlast II. Pay attention to footsteps, whispers, and other sounds to avoid danger and discover hidden clues.
Outlast II screenshot 1

3. Utilize Stealth: Outlast II heavily relies on stealth gameplay. Crouch and move slowly to avoid attracting attention from the hostile inhabitants. Hide in lockers, barrels, or tall grass when necessary.

4. Prioritize Objectives: Follow the game's objectives to progress through the storyline. Focusing on your main goals will lead you in the right direction and help you avoid unnecessary dangers.

5. Manage Resources: Supplies are scarce in Outlast II. Make sure to search your surroundings for items such as bandages and batteries. Use them wisely to heal wounds and navigate the dark environment.
Outlast II screenshot 2

6. Document Your Journey: Collecting documents scattered throughout the game will provide valuable insights into the story and background of Outlast II. Take the time to explore and find these hidden treasures.

7. Stay Calm: Outlast II is designed to be a terrifying experience, but panicking can hinder your progress. Stay calm and composed, carefully assessing each situation before taking action.

8. Discover Hidden Secrets: Keep an eye out for hidden objects, secret passages, and alternative routes. Exploring every corner of the game's environment will reward you with extra resources and valuable information.
Outlast II screenshot 3

9. Use Night Vision Sparingly: Night vision is an essential tool, but excessive use can drain your batteries quickly. Learn to navigate the dark without relying solely on night vision to conserve your limited resources.

10. Be Mindful of Your Surroundings: Pay attention to your environment at all times. Outlast II is filled with traps and hazards that can catch you off guard. Watch out for traps, pitfalls, and other deadly surprises.

With these tips in mind, you'll be better equipped to survive the nightmarish world of Outlast II. Remember, courage and composure are your greatest allies. Good luck!
Article tags:
Outlast II
survival horror
game guide