
Gamer Crit

Nioh 2: The First Samurai - A Disappointing Conclusion

Nioh 2: The First Samurai - A Disappointing Conclusion

Nioh 2: The First Samurai - A Disappointing Conclusion

Nioh 2: The First Samurai

Release Date:Dec 2020
IGDB Rating:8.0/10
Published:a month ago
Nioh 2: The First Samurai is the final DLC for the critically acclaimed action RPG, and unfortunately, it falls short of expectations. While the base game and previous DLCs were praised for their challenging gameplay and intricate level design, The First Samurai fails to deliver on these fronts.

One of the biggest issues with The First Samurai is its lackluster story. The narrative feels rushed and disjointed, failing to provide a satisfying conclusion to the overall plot. The characters introduced in this DLC lack depth and fail to leave a lasting impression. It's disappointing to see such a lack of effort put into the storytelling, especially considering the quality of the previous installments.
Nioh 2: The First Samurai screenshot 1

In terms of gameplay, The First Samurai offers little innovation. It rehashes mechanics and enemies from the base game and previous DLCs without adding anything substantial. This lack of fresh content makes the gameplay feel repetitive and stale. Additionally, the difficulty spikes in this DLC can be frustratingly unfair, leading to cheap deaths and frustrating moments.

Another letdown is the level design. While Nioh 2 and its previous DLCs showcased intricate and well-crafted levels, The First Samurai feels uninspired. The environments lack the same attention to detail and creativity, resulting in a less engaging and immersive experience. It feels like a missed opportunity to end the game on a high note.
Nioh 2: The First Samurai screenshot 2

Despite these flaws, The First Samurai does have a few redeeming qualities. The combat system, which has always been a highlight of the Nioh series, remains satisfying and fluid. The variety of weapons and abilities allows for different playstyles, and the challenge can be rewarding for those willing to persevere.

Overall, Nioh 2: The First Samurai is a disappointing conclusion to an otherwise excellent game. The lackluster story, repetitive gameplay, and uninspired level design hinder the experience. While the combat system still shines, it's not enough to salvage the DLC. Fans of the series may find some enjoyment, but newcomers are better off starting with the base game and earlier DLCs. Nioh 2: The First Samurai falls short of its potential and earns a rating of 5 out of 10.
Article tags:
Nioh 2: The First Samurai
action RPG
game review