
Gamer Crit

NBA Live 15 Review: A Disappointing Effort from EA

NBA Live 15 Review: A Disappointing Effort from EA

NBA Live 15 Review: A Disappointing Effort from EA

NBA Live 15

Release Date:Oct 2014
IGDB Rating:6.6/10
Published:16 days ago
NBA Live 15 is the latest installment in the long-running basketball video game series developed by EA Sports. Unfortunately, this game falls short in several areas and fails to deliver an authentic NBA experience.

One of the biggest issues with NBA Live 15 is its lackluster graphics. The player models often look pixelated and lack detail, making it difficult to immerse yourself in the game. Additionally, the animations can be choppy and unrealistic, especially during fast-paced gameplay. It's a shame that a game in 2015 would have such outdated visuals.

Another major letdown is the gameplay itself. NBA Live 15 feels clunky and unresponsive, with players often moving awkwardly and missing simple shots. The controls are also unintuitive, making it frustrating to execute basic moves. Whether you're playing in single-player mode or online multiplayer, the overall experience is underwhelming.

The game modes in NBA Live 15 are also lacking compared to its competition. The career mode, while a staple in basketball games, offers little depth or meaningful progression. The online modes suffer from connection issues and lackluster matchmaking, resulting in a subpar multiplayer experience.

On a positive note, NBA Live 15 does have a good selection of licensed NBA teams and players. However, this alone is not enough to redeem the game from its numerous flaws.

Overall, NBA Live 15 is a disappointing effort from EA. With lackluster graphics, clunky gameplay, and subpar game modes, it fails to deliver an engaging NBA experience. If you're looking for a basketball game, it's better to look elsewhere.
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NBA Live 15