
Gamer Crit

Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid - A Nostalgic Journey Back in Time

Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid - A Nostalgic Journey Back in Time

Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid - A Nostalgic Journey Back in Time

Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid

Release Date:Jul 2023
IGDB Rating:7.8/10
Published:a month ago
Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid is a delightful and charming game that brings back the memories of a bygone era. Set in the idyllic summer of the 20th century, the game captures the essence of a simpler time when kids would spend their days outside, exploring and having fun with their friends.

The graphics of Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid are beautifully nostalgic, with a pixelated art style that perfectly complements the theme of the game. The attention to detail is impressive, from the characters' outfits to the vintage objects scattered throughout the game world.
Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid screenshot 1

The gameplay revolves around completing various quests and mini-games, all of which are designed to evoke a sense of nostalgia. Whether it's catching fireflies in a jar, playing traditional Japanese games like kendama and yoyo, or even participating in a local summer festival, each activity takes you back to a simpler time.

One of the standout features of Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid is the soundtrack. The game's music is a delightful blend of classic tunes from the era, transporting players further into the nostalgic atmosphere.
Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid screenshot 2

However, the game does have a few drawbacks. The controls can feel a bit clunky at times, especially during fast-paced mini-games. Additionally, the overall length of the game is on the shorter side, which may leave players longing for more content.

Despite these minor flaws, Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid is a heartwarming and enjoyable game that successfully captures the essence of a bygone era. If you're a fan of nostalgic experiences or simply want to take a break from modern gaming, this game is a delightful choice.
Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid screenshot 3

Overall rating: 8.5/10
Article tags:
Natsu-Mon: 20th Century Summer Kid
nostalgic game
retro game
adventure game