
Gamer Crit

Metrico+ Review - A Unique Puzzle Platformer Experience

Metrico+ Review - A Unique Puzzle Platformer Experience

Metrico+ Review - A Unique Puzzle Platformer Experience


Release Date:Aug 2016
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:a month ago
Metrico+ is a puzzle platformer developed by Digital Dreams Entertainment that offers a unique and innovative gameplay experience. Set in a world where everything moves and changes based on the player's actions, Metrico+ challenges players to think outside the box and find creative solutions to progress through its levels.

At its core, Metrico+ is all about using the environment to your advantage. Each level is filled with various elements such as platforms, buttons, and moving objects, and the player's actions directly affect the layout and behavior of these elements. For example, jumping repeatedly may cause platforms to rise or pressing a button may activate a moving platform. This mechanic adds a layer of complexity to the puzzles and requires players to carefully analyze their surroundings and experiment with different actions to progress.
Metrico+ screenshot 1

The level design in Metrico+ is superb, with each level presenting unique challenges and requiring players to approach them in different ways. The game gradually introduces new mechanics and elements, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging throughout. The puzzles are well-crafted and offer a good balance of difficulty, providing a satisfying sense of accomplishment when solved.

Visually, Metrico+ is stunning. The game features a minimalist art style with clean lines and vibrant colors, creating a visually pleasing aesthetic. The environments are beautifully designed, and the smooth animations add to the overall polish of the game. The soundtrack complements the visuals perfectly, with a mix of electronic and ambient tracks that enhance the immersive experience.
Metrico+ screenshot 2

While Metrico+ excels in its gameplay and visuals, it does have a few shortcomings. The controls can feel a bit floaty at times, which can be frustrating when precision is required. Additionally, the game lacks a compelling narrative, focusing solely on the puzzle-solving aspect. While this may not be a major issue for puzzle enthusiasts, those looking for a deeper storyline may be disappointed.

Overall, Metrico+ is a refreshing and innovative puzzle platformer that offers a unique gameplay experience. Its clever level design, stylish visuals, and immersive soundtrack make for an enjoyable journey through its puzzling world. Despite its minor flaws, Metrico+ is a game that puzzle lovers should not miss.
Article tags:
puzzle platformer
innovative gameplay
level design
minimalist art style