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Lapis x Labyrinth Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Lapis x Labyrinth Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Lapis x Labyrinth Game Guide: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Lapis x Labyrinth

Release Date:Nov 2018
IGDB Rating:7.2/10
Published:7 months ago
Lapis x Labyrinth is an exciting action RPG developed by Nippon Ichi Software. In this game, players form a team of adventurers and delve into the mysterious Labyrinth in search of treasure and glory. To help you succeed in your quest, here are some essential tips, tricks, and strategies:

1. Choose your team wisely: The key to success in Lapis x Labyrinth is building a balanced and versatile team. Each character has unique abilities and playstyles, so experiment with different combinations to find the team that suits your playstyle.

2. Master the art of stacking: Stacking is a core mechanic in Lapis x Labyrinth that allows you to stack multiple characters on top of each other. This not only increases your firepower but also grants special abilities based on the characters in the stack.
Lapis x Labyrinth screenshot 1

3. Utilize the Burst Gauge: The Burst Gauge is a powerful resource that fills up as you defeat enemies. Once it's full, you can activate a Burst, which grants your team temporary buffs and special abilities. Timing your Bursts strategically can turn the tide of battle.

4. Explore the Labyrinth thoroughly: The Labyrinth is filled with hidden treasures, secret paths, and powerful enemies. Take your time to explore every nook and cranny, as you never know what valuable loot or challenging encounters you might find.

5. Upgrade your equipment: As you progress through the game, make sure to regularly upgrade your characters' equipment. Stronger gear not only improves your stats but also grants additional abilities that can give you an edge in battle.
Lapis x Labyrinth screenshot 2

6. Complete side quests: Lapis x Labyrinth offers various side quests that can reward you with valuable items and experience points. Make sure to take on these quests to further enhance your team's strength.

7. Experiment with different formations: The game allows you to switch between different formations during battles. Each formation grants different bonuses and abilities, so don't hesitate to experiment and find the one that works best for your team.

8. Pay attention to enemy weaknesses: Some enemies in Lapis x Labyrinth have specific weaknesses that can be exploited for extra damage. Take note of these weaknesses and adjust your team's abilities and strategies accordingly.
Lapis x Labyrinth screenshot 3

9. Don't forget about healing: In the heat of battles, it's easy to overlook healing. Make sure to allocate a character or skill for healing purposes to keep your team's health topped up.

10. Practice, practice, practice: Like any action RPG, mastering Lapis x Labyrinth requires practice. Keep honing your skills, learn from your mistakes, and don't get discouraged if you face difficulties. With perseverance, you'll become a true Labyrinth explorer!

With these tips, tricks, and strategies, you'll be well-equipped to conquer the Labyrinth and emerge as a legendary treasure hunter in Lapis x Labyrinth.
Lapis x Labyrinth screenshot 4

Article tags:
Lapis x Labyrinth
action RPG
game guide
tips and tricks