
Gamer Crit

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Review: A Charming but Lacking Experience

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Review: A Charming but Lacking Experience

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn Review: A Charming but Lacking Experience

Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn

Release Date:Mar 2019
IGDB Rating:8.0/10
Published:22 days ago
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is a charming platformer that brings the lovable pink puffball into a world made entirely of yarn. The game originally released on the Nintendo Wii in 2010 and has now been remastered for the Nintendo 3DS, adding some new features and content. While the game still retains its delightful visuals and creative gameplay, it unfortunately falls short in several areas.

One of the highlights of Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is its unique art style. The entire game world is made up of colorful yarn and fabric, giving it a distinct and whimsical feel. The visuals are incredibly charming and contribute to the game's overall appeal. The yarn-based environments are cleverly designed, with Kirby transforming into various yarn shapes to navigate through the levels.
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn screenshot 1

The gameplay in Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is simple yet enjoyable. Kirby can transform into different forms, such as a parachute or a car, to overcome obstacles and defeat enemies. The controls are responsive, and the platforming mechanics are solid. The game also introduces new abilities and mini-games that add some variety to the overall experience.

While the visuals and gameplay are undoubtedly the strengths of Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn, the game falls short in terms of challenge. The difficulty level is quite low, making it a breeze for experienced players. The lack of challenge may disappoint those looking for a more engaging and thrilling platforming experience. Additionally, the game's pacing can feel slow at times, with levels that drag on without much excitement.
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn screenshot 2

Another downside of Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is the implementation of the touch screen controls on the Nintendo 3DS. While the touch screen can be used to interact with certain elements in the game, it feels tacked on and unnecessary. The touch controls are imprecise and can sometimes hinder the gameplay experience rather than enhance it.

Despite its shortcomings, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn still manages to capture the charm and whimsy of the original Wii version. The adorable visuals, creative gameplay, and relaxing atmosphere make it an enjoyable experience, especially for younger or more casual players. However, for those seeking a more challenging and engaging platformer, the game may not satisfy their desires.
Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn screenshot 3

In conclusion, Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn is a delightful platformer with its unique art style and creative gameplay. However, it falls short in terms of challenge and pacing, and the touch screen controls feel unnecessary. It is recommended for players looking for a relaxing and visually appealing experience, but it may not satisfy those seeking a more challenging platforming adventure.
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Kirby's Extra Epic Yarn
Nintendo 3DS