
Gamer Crit

Kingdom Hearts III: A Disappointing Conclusion

Kingdom Hearts III: A Disappointing Conclusion

Kingdom Hearts III: A Disappointing Conclusion

Kingdom Hearts III

Release Date:Jan 2019
IGDB Rating:9.0/10
Published:24 days ago
Kingdom Hearts III has been one of the most highly anticipated games of the decade. Fans have been waiting for over a decade to see how the story would come to an end. Unfortunately, the final installment in the beloved franchise fails to live up to expectations.

One of the biggest letdowns is the convoluted and confusing storyline. While Kingdom Hearts has always been known for its complex narrative, Kingdom Hearts III takes it to a whole new level. The game introduces so many new characters and plot twists that it becomes almost impossible to keep track of what is happening. It feels like the developers were more focused on creating spectacle rather than telling a cohesive and satisfying story.
Kingdom Hearts III screenshot 1

Another major issue with Kingdom Hearts III is the repetitive gameplay. While the combat mechanics are solid, the missions and levels quickly become repetitive and lack variety. Many of the worlds you visit feel empty and uninspired, with little to do other than fight the same enemies over and over again. This lack of variety makes the game feel like a chore rather than an enjoyable experience.

Visually, Kingdom Hearts III is stunning. The game features beautiful graphics and detailed environments that bring the Disney worlds to life. However, the visual spectacle is not enough to compensate for the game's other shortcomings. The lackluster story and repetitive gameplay overshadow the impressive visuals.
Kingdom Hearts III screenshot 2

On a positive note, the music in Kingdom Hearts III is excellent. The soundtrack perfectly captures the essence of the Disney worlds and adds an extra layer of immersion to the game. The voice acting is also top-notch, with many of the original voice actors reprising their roles.

In conclusion, Kingdom Hearts III is a disappointing conclusion to the beloved franchise. The convoluted storyline, repetitive gameplay, and lack of variety overshadow the game's stunning visuals and great music. While die-hard fans may find something to enjoy, for most players, Kingdom Hearts III will leave them feeling unsatisfied and longing for the magic of the earlier games.
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Kingdom Hearts III
action role-playing game
Square Enix