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Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress Guide - Tips and Strategies for Mastering the DLC

Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress Guide - Tips and Strategies for Mastering the DLC

Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress Guide - Tips and Strategies for Mastering the DLC

Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress

Release Date:Mar 2016
IGDB Rating:6.2/10
Published:6 months ago
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress is an action-packed DLC that introduces a new set of challenges and missions to the game. With the addition of the Bavarium Wingsuit and the powerful Eden Spark rifle, players will need to adapt their strategies to conquer the skies and complete all the missions. In this guide, we will provide you with tips and strategies to help you master the Sky Fortress DLC.

1. Acquiring the Bavarium Wingsuit:
- To unlock the Bavarium Wingsuit, you need to complete the mission 'Bavarium on a Plane,' which is the first mission in the DLC. This mission will introduce you to the Wingsuit's capabilities and mechanics.
- Once you have acquired the Bavarium Wingsuit, you will be able to soar through the skies with greater speed and maneuverability. Mastering the Wingsuit will be crucial to navigating and completing the challenging missions in the DLC.

2. Utilizing the Eden Spark rifle:
- The Eden Spark rifle is a powerful weapon that shoots streams of devastating energy. It can be used to take down enemy vehicles and structures with ease.
- Use the secondary fire mode of the Eden Spark to charge up a powerful blast that can decimate multiple targets in a single shot. This is particularly useful when dealing with groups of enemy vehicles or structures.
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress screenshot 1

3. Completing the missions:
- The Sky Fortress DLC features a series of missions that will test your skills as a pilot and soldier. Each mission presents unique challenges and objectives that require quick thinking and precise execution.
- Take advantage of the Bavarium Wingsuit's grappling hook and boost abilities to navigate through the tight spaces and reach otherwise inaccessible areas. This will help you find hidden collectibles and complete optional objectives.
- Use the Eden Spark rifle to destroy enemy anti-air defenses and clear the skies before engaging in dogfights with enemy aircraft. Having air superiority will make the missions significantly easier.

4. Upgrading your equipment:
- As you progress through the Sky Fortress DLC, you will earn gears and mods that can be used to upgrade your equipment and make it more powerful. Make sure to invest in upgrades that suit your playstyle and focus on enhancing the Bavarium Wingsuit and the Eden Spark rifle.

5. Exploring the DLC:
- Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress offers a stunning new environment for players to explore. Take the time to explore the islands and uncover hidden secrets, collectibles, and Easter eggs that are scattered throughout the DLC.
Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress screenshot 2

By following these tips and strategies, you will be well-equipped to dominate the skies and complete all the missions in Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress. So grab your Bavarium Wingsuit, charge up your Eden Spark rifle, and get ready for an exhilarating aerial adventure!
Article tags:
Just Cause 3
Sky Fortress