
Gamer Crit

Foreclosed Review: A Promising Cyberpunk Thriller with Missed Potential

Foreclosed Review: A Promising Cyberpunk Thriller with Missed Potential

Foreclosed Review: A Promising Cyberpunk Thriller with Missed Potential


Release Date:Aug 2021
IGDB Rating:6.5/10
Published:8 days ago
Foreclosed is a cyberpunk action-adventure game developed by Antab Studio and published by Merge Games. Set in a dystopian future where individuals' identities are controlled by corporations, the game follows the story of Evan Kapnos, a man whose identity is suddenly stripped away. As Evan, players must navigate through a visually striking world and uncover the truth behind the conspiracy.

One of the standout aspects of Foreclosed is its unique visual style. The game employs a comic book aesthetic, with panels and speech bubbles adding to the immersive experience. The cyberpunk setting is beautifully realized, with neon-lit streets and towering skyscrapers creating a sense of futuristic decay. The attention to detail in the environments is commendable, and the art style brings the world of Foreclosed to life.
Foreclosed screenshot 1

However, while the visuals are impressive, the gameplay falls short. Foreclosed relies heavily on cover-based shooting mechanics, but the controls feel clunky and unresponsive at times. The combat encounters lack variety, becoming repetitive and predictable as the game progresses. Additionally, the stealth mechanics are underdeveloped, and the AI of the enemies feels lacking in intelligence, making stealth sections more frustrating than enjoyable.

The story in Foreclosed starts off strong, with an intriguing premise and a sense of mystery. However, as the game progresses, the narrative becomes convoluted and fails to deliver a satisfying conclusion. The characters lack depth, and their motivations are often unclear. The dialogue can be cheesy and clichéd, further detracting from the overall experience.
Foreclosed screenshot 2

Another disappointing aspect of Foreclosed is its lack of replayability. Once the main story is completed, there is little incentive to revisit the game. There are no branching paths or meaningful choices that affect the outcome, limiting the game's longevity and diminishing its value.

In terms of performance, Foreclosed suffers from technical issues. Frame rate drops and occasional glitches can disrupt the gameplay experience. While these issues may be addressed with future patches, they are present at the time of this review.
Foreclosed screenshot 3

Overall, Foreclosed shows promise with its unique visual style and cyberpunk setting. However, its lackluster gameplay, weak narrative, and technical issues hold it back from reaching its full potential. While fans of the cyberpunk genre may find some enjoyment in exploring the world of Foreclosed, it falls short of being a standout title in the genre.
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