
Gamer Crit

FIFA 15: A Step Backward for the Franchise

FIFA 15: A Step Backward for the Franchise

FIFA 15: A Step Backward for the Franchise


Release Date:Sep 2014
Published:6 days ago
FIFA 15, the latest installment in the long-running football simulation franchise, promised to deliver an improved gaming experience with enhanced graphics and gameplay. However, after spending hours with the game, it becomes clear that FIFA 15 falls short of expectations and fails to live up to its predecessors.

One of the major disappointments of FIFA 15 is the lack of innovation. The game feels like a mere update of FIFA 14, with minimal improvements and new features. The graphics, while slightly better than the previous installment, still fail to impress and feel outdated compared to other modern sports games.
FIFA 15 screenshot 1

Another major flaw in FIFA 15 is its gameplay mechanics. The controls feel unresponsive and clunky, making it difficult to execute precise movements and passes. The AI of the opposing team also leaves much to be desired, often making unrealistic decisions and failing to provide a challenge.

Additionally, FIFA 15 suffers from a lack of content. The game modes, such as Career Mode and Ultimate Team, offer little innovation and fail to captivate players for extended periods. The absence of new game modes or significant improvements to existing ones makes FIFA 15 feel repetitive and stale.
FIFA 15 screenshot 2

Furthermore, the online experience in FIFA 15 is plagued with connectivity issues and lag. The servers frequently disconnect, causing frustration and disrupting the flow of the game. This is especially disappointing considering the emphasis on multiplayer gameplay in the FIFA series.

In conclusion, FIFA 15 is a letdown for fans of the franchise. The lack of innovation, outdated graphics, clunky controls, and lack of content make it difficult to recommend this game. Die-hard fans may find some enjoyment in the updated player rosters and slight improvements, but overall, FIFA 15 fails to live up to its potential.
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