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Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars Game Guide - Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars Game Guide - Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars Game Guide - Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars

Release Date:Jul 2018
IGDB Rating:5.5/10
Published:5 months ago
Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars takes players on a thrilling extraterrestrial adventure set on the Red Planet. In this guide, we'll provide you with valuable tips, tricks, and strategies to help you navigate this alien world and complete all the missions.

1. Embrace the Power of the Space Jetpack: The Space Jetpack is your key to mobility on Mars. Master its controls and use it to explore every nook and cranny of the map. It allows you to reach high places, navigate treacherous terrain, and surprise enemies from above.

2. Upgrade Your Arsenal: As you progress through the game, collect alien materials to upgrade your weapons and gear. This will give you a significant advantage against the Martian arachnids and other hostile creatures. Prioritize upgrades that increase firepower and ammo capacity.
Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars screenshot 1

3. Utilize the New Weapons: Lost on Mars introduces a range of futuristic weapons, such as the Blaster of Disaster and Hellfire. Experiment with them to find the ones that best suit your playstyle. Each weapon has unique attributes that can be a game-changer in certain situations.

4. Team up with Hurk: During your journey, you'll encounter Hurk, a colorful character who will assist you in your mission. Take advantage of his abilities and work together to overcome challenging encounters. He can provide valuable support fire and distract enemies, giving you an edge in combat.

5. Scan for minerals: Scanning the environment with your scanner will reveal the location of valuable minerals that you can collect and use for crafting. These minerals are essential for upgrading your gear and unlocking powerful abilities.
Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars screenshot 2

6. Complete Side Missions: Alongside the main story, there are numerous side missions and activities to tackle on Mars. These missions often offer unique rewards, including additional weapon upgrades and new abilities. Take the time to explore and complete them to enhance your character's capabilities.

7. Watch out for the Arachnids: Mars is infested with deadly arachnids that will relentlessly attack you. Be cautious and use the environment to your advantage. Take cover behind rocks and structures, and utilize explosive barrels to deal massive damage to groups of enemies.

8. Master the Gravity Belt: The Gravity Belt allows you to manipulate gravity, giving you a tactical advantage in combat and traversal. Experiment with its abilities to perform devastating ground pounds and reach otherwise inaccessible areas.
Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars screenshot 3

9. Stay Upgraded: It's crucial to continuously upgrade your weapons, gear, and abilities as you progress through the game. The enemies on Mars become increasingly challenging, and having the best gear will give you a fighting chance against tougher foes.

10. Enjoy the Alien Landscape: Finally, take the time to appreciate the stunning alien landscape of Mars. The developers have crafted a visually stunning world, and exploring its unique environments is an integral part of the experience.

With these tips and strategies in mind, you'll be well-equipped to conquer the challenges of Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars. Embrace the alien world, upgrade your gear, and enjoy the thrilling adventure that awaits you on the Red Planet.
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Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars
game guide
tips and tricks