
Gamer Crit

Exit the Gungeon Review: A Frustrating Yet Addictive Experience

Exit the Gungeon Review: A Frustrating Yet Addictive Experience

Exit the Gungeon Review: A Frustrating Yet Addictive Experience

Exit the Gungeon

Release Date:Sep 2019
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:a month ago
Exit the Gungeon is a spin-off of the popular game Enter the Gungeon and offers a unique take on the bullet hell genre. While the game manages to capture the essence of its predecessor, it also introduces some frustrating mechanics that can dampen the overall experience.

The gameplay in Exit the Gungeon revolves around shooting and dodging endless waves of enemies as you try to escape the Gungeon. The controls are tight and responsive, allowing for precise movement and aiming. However, the constant onslaught of enemies can quickly become overwhelming, especially in later stages of the game.
Exit the Gungeon screenshot 1

One of the biggest frustrations in Exit the Gungeon is the randomness of the weapon drops. As you progress through the game, you'll come across different weapons with varying abilities. However, there's no way to choose which weapon you receive, and sometimes you'll be stuck with a less effective weapon that hampers your progress. This can lead to repeated failures and a sense of unfairness.

Another issue with Exit the Gungeon is the lack of progression. Unlike Enter the Gungeon, which allowed players to unlock new characters and abilities as they progressed, Exit the Gungeon offers little in terms of rewards or progression. This can make the game feel repetitive and can discourage players from investing more time into it.
Exit the Gungeon screenshot 2

Despite its flaws, Exit the Gungeon still manages to be an addictive experience. The fast-paced gameplay and intense battles keep you engaged, and the pixel art style is visually appealing. The game also offers a variety of challenges and boss fights that provide a sense of accomplishment when completed.

In conclusion, Exit the Gungeon is a challenging and addictive game that captures the essence of its predecessor. However, its frustrating mechanics and lack of progression can hinder the overall experience. If you enjoy fast-paced bullet hell games and don't mind a bit of frustration, then Exit the Gungeon is worth a try.
Article tags:
Exit the Gungeon
bullet hell