
Gamer Crit

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time Review - A Disappointing Adventure

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time Review - A Disappointing Adventure

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time Review - A Disappointing Adventure

Doctor Who: The Edge of Time

Release Date:Nov 2019
IGDB Rating:6.4/10
Published:2 days ago
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time had the potential to be an exciting and immersive adventure for fans of the long-running TV series, but unfortunately, it falls short in several key areas.

The game starts off with promise, as players are thrown into the iconic TARDIS, ready to embark on a thrilling journey through time and space. However, the initial excitement quickly dissipates as the gameplay proves to be repetitive and lacking in depth.
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time screenshot 1

One of the biggest letdowns of Doctor Who: The Edge of Time is its gameplay mechanics. The controls are clunky and unintuitive, making it difficult to fully engage with the virtual world. The puzzles, while initially intriguing, soon become repetitive and predictable, offering little challenge or satisfaction upon completion.

The graphics and visuals in the game are also disappointing. While the TARDIS and some of the environments are rendered with attention to detail, the character models and textures lack polish and often appear pixelated. This lack of visual quality detracts from the overall immersion and enjoyment of the game.
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time screenshot 2

Furthermore, the story in Doctor Who: The Edge of Time feels disjointed and lacks the depth and complexity that fans of the show have come to expect. The narrative fails to capture the essence of Doctor Who, and the voice acting falls flat, failing to capture the charm and charisma of the beloved characters.

On a positive note, the game does offer some fan service with appearances from iconic Doctor Who villains and allies. However, these moments are few and far between, and ultimately do little to elevate the overall experience.
Doctor Who: The Edge of Time screenshot 3

In conclusion, Doctor Who: The Edge of Time is a disappointing and lackluster adventure that fails to capture the magic and excitement of the beloved TV series. With clunky gameplay, lackluster visuals, and a disjointed story, this game falls short of the mark. Die-hard Doctor Who fans may find some enjoyment in the fan service, but for most players, it is best to steer clear of this underwhelming virtual journey.
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Doctor Who: The Edge of Time
Virtual Reality