
Gamer Crit

Death Squared Review: A Challenging Puzzle Game for Cooperative Fun

Death Squared Review: A Challenging Puzzle Game for Cooperative Fun

Death Squared Review: A Challenging Puzzle Game for Cooperative Fun

Death Squared

Release Date:Mar 2017
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:13 days ago
Death Squared is a cooperative puzzle game developed by SMG Studio. In Death Squared, players take control of colored cubes and must navigate them through a series of increasingly complex and deadly levels. The goal is simple: get each cube to its corresponding colored platform. However, the path to success is far from easy.

One of the standout features of Death Squared is its emphasis on cooperation. The game is designed to be played with two or more players, either locally or online. Each player controls one or more cubes, and success requires precise communication and coordination. It's a refreshing change from the typical single-player puzzle experience and can lead to some hilarious and frustrating moments as you and your friends try to navigate the deadly levels.
Death Squared screenshot 1

The puzzles in Death Squared are well-crafted and provide a good balance of challenge and satisfaction. Each level introduces new mechanics and obstacles that force players to think creatively and work together to find solutions. The difficulty ramps up gradually, ensuring that players are constantly engaged and never overwhelmed.

In addition to the cooperative mode, Death Squared also offers a single-player mode and a party mode. The single-player mode allows you to tackle the puzzles on your own, while the party mode introduces additional challenges and mini-games for multiplayer fun.
Death Squared screenshot 2

Visually, Death Squared is clean and minimalist, with colorful cubes and simple environments. While the graphics may not be groundbreaking, they serve their purpose well and don't distract from the gameplay.

Overall, Death Squared is a fun and challenging puzzle game that is best enjoyed with friends or family. Its cooperative gameplay mechanics and clever level design make for an engaging and satisfying experience. Whether you're a puzzle enthusiast or just looking for a game to play with friends, Death Squared is definitely worth checking out.
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Death Squared
puzzle game