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Complete Guide to Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai

Complete Guide to Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai

Complete Guide to Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai

Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai

Release Date:Sep 2011
IGDB Rating:8.6/10
Published:6 months ago
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai is a turn-based strategy game set in feudal Japan. In this expansion, players can experience the rise of the samurai clans during the late Heian period. This guide will provide you with all the information you need to become a master of the game.

1. Understanding the Setting
2. Choosing a Clan
3. Managing Resources
4. Building the Economy
5. Diplomacy and Alliances
6. Recruitment and Training
7. Battle Tactics
8. Naval Warfare
9. Special Abilities and Hero Units
10. Tips and Tricks

1. Understanding the Setting
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai takes place during the late Heian period, a time of great upheaval in Japan. The emperor is losing control, and the samurai clans are rising to power. Understanding the historical context will help you make strategic decisions.
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai screenshot 1

2. Choosing a Clan
The first step in your journey is to choose a clan to lead. Each clan has its unique bonuses and challenges. Consider your playstyle and objectives when selecting a clan. Some clans excel in diplomacy, while others are more focused on military might.

3. Managing Resources
Resources play a crucial role in Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai. You need to manage your finances, food, and raw materials efficiently. Building and upgrading the right infrastructure is essential to maximize your resource production.

4. Building the Economy
A strong economy is the backbone of any successful campaign. Focus on developing your provinces, constructing income-generating buildings, and establishing trade routes with other factions. Keep an eye on your taxes and adjust them based on the needs of your empire.
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai screenshot 2

5. Diplomacy and Alliances
Forge alliances and form strategic relationships with other clans. Diplomacy can be a powerful tool to expand your influence and secure your borders. However, be cautious of betrayals and backstabbing, as other clans may have hidden agendas.

6. Recruitment and Training
Recruit and train your armies to defend your territories and conquer new ones. Balancing the different unit types and utilizing their strengths is crucial for success on the battlefield. Experiment with different army compositions to find what works best for your playstyle.

7. Battle Tactics
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai features epic real-time battles. Understanding the terrain, using formations, and exploiting weaknesses in the enemy's defenses are key to victory. Study the strengths and weaknesses of your units and use tactical maneuvers to outsmart your opponents.
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai screenshot 3

8. Naval Warfare
Naval warfare plays a significant role in this expansion. Build a formidable navy and control the seas to gain a strategic advantage. Utilize unique naval units and tactics to protect your trade routes and launch devastating attacks against enemy factions.

9. Special Abilities and Hero Units
As you progress in the game, you will unlock special abilities and hero units. These can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Learn how to effectively use these abilities and position your heroes to impact the outcome of key battles.

10. Tips and Tricks
To conclude, here are a few additional tips and tricks to enhance your gameplay:
- Pay attention to the seasons and adjust your strategies accordingly.
- Keep a close eye on your clan's honor and reputation.
- Use spies and assassins to gather intelligence and eliminate key enemy targets.
- Balance expansion with consolidation to ensure a stable empire.
- Adapt to changing circumstances and be prepared for unexpected events.
Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai screenshot 4

By following these strategies and tactics, you'll be well on your way to conquering feudal Japan in Total War: Shogun 2 - Rise of the Samurai.
Article tags:
Total War: Shogun 2
Rise of the Samurai
turn-based strategy
feudal Japan
samurai clans