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Complete Guide for Assassin's Creed Unity: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Complete Guide for Assassin's Creed Unity: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Complete Guide for Assassin's Creed Unity: Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

Assassin's Creed Unity

Release Date:Nov 2014
IGDB Rating:7.1/10
Published:2 months ago
Assassin's Creed Unity is an action-adventure game set in the backdrop of the French Revolution. As a member of the Assassin Brotherhood, you'll navigate the bustling streets of Paris, engage in epic battles, and unravel a captivating conspiracy. This guide will provide you with all the necessary knowledge to excel in this immersive game.

1. Master the Controls:
- Familiarize yourself with the controls to smoothly traverse the city and efficiently execute stealthy assassinations. Practice parkour movements, combat techniques, and the use of tools like smoke bombs and throwing knives.

2. Explore the Open World:
- Paris is your playground; take your time to explore its richly detailed streets, rooftops, and landmarks. Discover hidden collectibles, side missions, and secret areas.
Assassin's Creed Unity screenshot 1

3. Upgrade Your Skills:
- Progress through the game by earning experience points and upgrading your skills. Enhance your combat abilities, stealth techniques, and navigation skills to become a true master assassin.

4. Plan Your Assassinations:
- Every assassination mission offers multiple approaches. Study your targets, learn their routines, and plan your approach accordingly. Use your environment to your advantage, employing disguise, distractions, or silent takedowns.

5. Form Alliances and Complete Co-op Missions:
- Team up with friends or online players to tackle challenging co-op missions. Coordinate your attacks, assist each other, and complete missions together to unlock exclusive rewards.
Assassin's Creed Unity screenshot 2

6. Uncover the Secrets of the Story:
- Assassin's Creed Unity features an engaging storyline filled with twists and turns. Pay attention to the narrative, explore the memories of Arno Dorian, and uncover the truth behind the Revolution.

7. Customize Your Assassin:
- Personalize your Assassin's appearance by acquiring new outfits, weapons, and accessories. Experiment with various gear combinations to suit your play style.

8. Participate in In-Game Events:
- Stay up to date with in-game events and participate to earn special rewards. Events may include time-limited missions, challenges, or unique items.
Assassin's Creed Unity screenshot 3

9. Stay Stealthy in Crowd Events:
- Blend into crowded areas during crowd events to remain undetected. Use the chaos to your advantage and eliminate targets without raising alarm.

10. Watch for Content Updates:
- Keep an eye out for content updates and patches that may bring new features, missions, or improvements to the game.

With this guide, you'll have all the tools to become a legendary Assassin in Assassin's Creed Unity. Embark on a thrilling journey through Revolutionary France and experience the excitement of being a master assassin.
Article tags:
Assassin's Creed Unity
French Revolution
open world