
Gamer Crit

Calvino Noir: A Stylish, But Flawed Stealth Game

Calvino Noir: A Stylish, But Flawed Stealth Game

Calvino Noir: A Stylish, But Flawed Stealth Game

Calvino Noir

Release Date:Jul 2015
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:a month ago
Calvino Noir is a visually stunning game set in the atmospheric world of film noir. With its black and white aesthetic and immersive sound design, it successfully captures the essence of the genre. However, beneath its stylish exterior, the game falls short in execution, leading to a frustrating and underwhelming experience.

The gameplay revolves around stealth and puzzle-solving, as players navigate through various levels filled with enemies and obstacles. The core mechanics are solid, with players able to sneak past guards, distract enemies, and solve puzzles to progress. The level design is also commendable, with each environment intricately designed to reflect the noir setting.
Calvino Noir screenshot 1

Where Calvino Noir falls flat is in its lackluster AI and clunky controls. The enemy AI often feels inconsistent, sometimes detecting the player too easily and other times completely oblivious to their presence. This inconsistency breaks immersion and makes it difficult to strategize effectively. Additionally, the controls can be unresponsive and imprecise, leading to frustrating moments where your character doesn't respond as intended.

Another disappointment is the lack of variety in gameplay mechanics. While the initial levels introduce interesting puzzles and stealth scenarios, the game quickly becomes repetitive, offering little innovation or surprises. This lack of variety can make the experience feel monotonous and dull after a while.
Calvino Noir screenshot 2

Despite its flaws, Calvino Noir does have its strengths. The atmospheric world it creates is captivating, with its dark and moody environments drawing players into its narrative. The game's story, inspired by classic noir films, is intriguing and keeps players engaged until the end. The voice acting and dialogue also add to the immersive experience, delivering the noir aesthetic effectively.

In terms of visuals and audio, Calvino Noir truly shines. The black and white art style, combined with the haunting soundtrack, creates a mesmerizing ambiance that enhances the overall experience. The attention to detail in the environments and character designs further adds to the game's allure.
Calvino Noir screenshot 3

Overall, Calvino Noir is a game that shows great potential but falls short in execution. While it successfully captures the atmosphere and style of film noir, its lackluster AI, clunky controls, and repetitive gameplay hinder the overall enjoyment. If you're a fan of the genre and can overlook its flaws, you may find some enjoyment in exploring the dark and atmospheric world of Calvino Noir.
Article tags:
Calvino Noir
stealth game
film noir