
Gamer Crit

Brotherhood United Review: A Disappointing Co-op Experience

Brotherhood United Review: A Disappointing Co-op Experience

Brotherhood United Review: A Disappointing Co-op Experience

Brotherhood United

Release Date:Jun 2018
IGDB Rating:4.0/10
Published:14 days ago
Brotherhood United had the potential to be a great co-op game, but unfortunately, it falls short in several areas. The game sets you and your friends in a world overrun by enemy forces, and it's up to you to fight back and reclaim your territory. While the concept sounds exciting, the execution is lackluster.

One of the biggest issues with Brotherhood United is its lack of depth. The gameplay is repetitive and offers very little variety. Each level feels like a rinse and repeat of the previous one, with only minor differences in enemy types and locations. This lack of variety quickly becomes tiresome and makes it difficult to stay engaged.
Brotherhood United screenshot 1

The graphics and visuals in Brotherhood United are another disappointment. The game has a dated look with bland environments and character models. The lack of attention to detail is evident, and it feels like the developers rushed to release the game without fine-tuning the visuals. This lack of polish detracts from the overall experience.

The co-op aspect of Brotherhood United is also underwhelming. While playing with friends can add some enjoyment, the game lacks proper coordination and teamwork mechanics. There is little incentive to strategize and work together, as the game's AI is predictable and easily exploitable. This lack of depth in the co-op mechanics takes away from the potential fun of playing with others.
Brotherhood United screenshot 2

Furthermore, the controls in Brotherhood United feel clunky and unresponsive. Moving and aiming your character is a frustrating experience, often leading to unnecessary deaths and missed opportunities. This lack of smooth controls adds to the overall frustration and takes away from the enjoyment of the game.

In terms of content, Brotherhood United is lacking. There are only a handful of levels to play through, and once you complete them, there is little reason to revisit the game. The lack of replay value is a major drawback, especially for a co-op game that relies on engaging players over multiple play sessions.
Brotherhood United screenshot 3

Overall, Brotherhood United is a disappointing co-op experience. Its lack of depth, unimpressive visuals, underwhelming co-op mechanics, and clunky controls make for a subpar gaming experience. Unless you are a die-hard fan of the genre or have a group of friends who are willing to overlook its flaws, it's best to give Brotherhood United a pass.
Article tags:
Brotherhood United
co-op game
action game