
Gamer Crit

Blade Kitten Review: A Promising Concept That Falls Flat

Blade Kitten Review: A Promising Concept That Falls Flat

Blade Kitten Review: A Promising Concept That Falls Flat

Blade Kitten

Release Date:Sep 2010
IGDB Rating:6.0/10
Published:6 months ago
Blade Kitten had all the ingredients for an exciting and immersive action platformer: a unique premise, stylish visuals, and a badass female protagonist. However, despite these promising elements, the game ultimately falls flat.

One of the biggest issues with Blade Kitten is its lackluster gameplay. The controls are clunky and unresponsive, making it frustrating to navigate the various levels. The combat mechanics are also shallow and repetitive, with limited options for engaging enemies. These shortcomings greatly hinder the overall enjoyment of the game.
Blade Kitten screenshot 1

Another major downfall of Blade Kitten is its level design. While the game boasts a visually stunning world filled with vibrant colors and interesting characters, the levels themselves feel poorly designed. They lack depth and variety, often consisting of repetitive and uninspired layouts. This leads to a monotonous and tiresome experience as players progress through the game.

Additionally, the story and dialogue in Blade Kitten are underwhelming. The plot is convoluted and poorly executed, leaving players feeling disconnected from the events unfolding on screen. The dialogue between characters is often cringe-worthy and filled with forced humor, failing to create a compelling narrative or build meaningful relationships.
Blade Kitten screenshot 2

On a positive note, Blade Kitten does manage to capture a unique art style that blends Japanese anime and Western influences. The graphics are vibrant and eye-catching, and the character designs are visually appealing. However, the game's visual appeal alone is not enough to salvage the overall experience.

In conclusion, Blade Kitten had the potential to be a standout action platformer with its unique concept and stylish visuals. However, its lackluster gameplay, uninspired level design, and underwhelming story ultimately make it a disappointing game. While fans of the genre may find some enjoyment in the art style, I cannot recommend Blade Kitten based on its overall execution.
Article tags:
Blade Kitten
action platformer
game review