
Gamer Crit

Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Review: A Wild and Wacky Adventure

Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Review: A Wild and Wacky Adventure

Big Drunk Satanic Massacre Review: A Wild and Wacky Adventure

Big Drunk Satanic Massacre

Release Date:Oct 2019
IGDB Rating:6.0/10
Published:a month ago
Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is a game that doesn't shy away from its outrageous premise. In this top-down shooter, players take on the role of Lou, the son of Satan, who must navigate through hell to find his kidnapped sister. The game is set in a satirical version of hell filled with quirky characters, absurd humor, and over-the-top violence.

The gameplay in Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is fast-paced and chaotic. Lou is equipped with a variety of weapons, including a chainsaw and a shotgun, which he can use to take down hordes of demons and other hellish creatures. The controls are intuitive, and the combat is satisfying, with plenty of blood and gore to satisfy even the most hardened gamers.
Big Drunk Satanic Massacre screenshot 1

What sets Big Drunk Satanic Massacre apart from other games is its irreverent humor and satire. The game doesn't take itself seriously and constantly pokes fun at traditional gaming tropes and religious themes. The dialogue is witty and filled with pop culture references, making for an entertaining and laugh-out-loud experience.

Visually, the game has a unique art style that complements its over-the-top nature. The environments are colorful and vibrant, and the character designs are quirky and memorable. The soundtrack is also worth mentioning, with a mix of heavy metal and catchy tunes that add to the overall atmosphere of the game.
Big Drunk Satanic Massacre screenshot 2

However, while Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is undeniably fun and entertaining, it does have its flaws. The gameplay can become repetitive after a while, as the levels start to feel similar and the enemy variety is somewhat limited. Additionally, the game's humor and irreverence may not be everyone's cup of tea, as it can be quite crude and offensive at times.

Overall, Big Drunk Satanic Massacre is a wild and wacky adventure that offers a unique and entertaining gaming experience. Its fast-paced gameplay, irreverent humor, and memorable characters make it a game worth checking out for fans of satirical and over-the-top games. Just be prepared for its crude humor and repetitive gameplay.
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Big Drunk Satanic Massacre
top-down shooter