
Gamer Crit

Away: Shuffle Dungeon - A Disappointing Dungeon Crawler

Away: Shuffle Dungeon - A Disappointing Dungeon Crawler

Away: Shuffle Dungeon - A Disappointing Dungeon Crawler

Away: Shuffle Dungeon

Release Date:Dec 2008
IGDB Rating:7.0/10
Published:17 days ago
Away: Shuffle Dungeon is a dungeon crawler game that had a lot of potential, but ultimately falls short in many aspects. The game revolves around the protagonist, Sword, as he explores various dungeons to rescue villagers who have been mysteriously trapped. While the premise sounds interesting, the execution is lackluster.

One of the biggest issues with Away: Shuffle Dungeon is the repetitive gameplay. Dungeon after dungeon, you'll find yourself doing the same tasks over and over again. The combat system, while initially fun, becomes tedious as it lacks depth and variety. There are only a handful of enemy types, and the combat quickly devolves into mindless button-mashing.
Away: Shuffle Dungeon screenshot 1

The graphics and art style of Away: Shuffle Dungeon are also disappointing. The visuals are bland and uninspired, lacking the vibrant and immersive environments that are often seen in other dungeon crawler games. The character designs are forgettable and fail to make any impact.

Additionally, the controls of the game are clunky and unresponsive. Moving Sword feels cumbersome, and it takes away from the overall enjoyment of the game. The camera angles are also poorly implemented, making it difficult to navigate and explore the dungeons.
Away: Shuffle Dungeon screenshot 2

The story in Away: Shuffle Dungeon is lackluster and fails to engage the player. The narrative feels disjointed, and the characters lack depth and development. It's hard to feel invested in their plight or care about their rescue.

Overall, Away: Shuffle Dungeon is a disappointing dungeon crawler that fails to live up to its potential. The repetitive gameplay, lackluster graphics, clunky controls, and uninspired story all contribute to a lackluster experience. If you're a fan of the genre, there are much better options available that offer more satisfying gameplay and memorable experiences.
Article tags:
Away: Shuffle Dungeon
dungeon crawler
game review