
Gamer Crit

Age of Gladiators II: Rise of Champions - A Mediocre Sequel

Age of Gladiators II: Rise of Champions - A Mediocre Sequel

Age of Gladiators II: Rise of Champions - A Mediocre Sequel

Age of Gladiators II

Release Date:Aug 2017
IGDB Rating:6.5/10
Published:a month ago
Age of Gladiators II: Rise of Champions is a disappointing sequel to the original game. While the first game was a refreshing take on managing a gladiator team, this sequel falls short in several aspects.

One of the main issues with Age of Gladiators II is the lack of innovation. It feels like a rehash of the first game with minimal improvements. The gameplay mechanics remain largely unchanged, and there are no new features to make it stand out. This lack of innovation makes the game feel repetitive and stale, especially for players who enjoyed the first game.
Age of Gladiators II screenshot 1

Another major letdown is the graphics and presentation. The visuals in Age of Gladiators II are underwhelming, with poorly designed character models and lackluster animations. The user interface is clunky and unintuitive, making it difficult to navigate and manage your gladiator team effectively.

The AI in the game is also a major issue. Opponent AI often makes nonsensical decisions, which leads to unrealistic outcomes during battles. This not only breaks immersion but also makes the game frustrating to play.
Age of Gladiators II screenshot 2

On the positive side, the game does offer a decent amount of content. There are multiple arenas to compete in and a variety of gladiators to recruit. The progression system allows you to upgrade and customize your gladiators, giving you a sense of growth and development.

However, these few positives are not enough to save Age of Gladiators II from its overall mediocrity. It lacks the depth and excitement of its predecessor and fails to bring anything new to the table.
Age of Gladiators II screenshot 3

In conclusion, Age of Gladiators II: Rise of Champions is a disappointing sequel that fails to live up to the expectations set by its predecessor. With its lack of innovation, underwhelming graphics, and frustrating AI, it falls short in several aspects. While it does offer a decent amount of content, it is not enough to redeem the overall mediocrity of the game.

Rating: 4/10
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Age of Gladiators II: Rise of Champions