
Gamer Crit

100ft Robot Golf Review: A Fun but Flawed Golfing Experience

100ft Robot Golf Review: A Fun but Flawed Golfing Experience

100ft Robot Golf Review: A Fun but Flawed Golfing Experience

100ft Robot Golf

Release Date:Oct 2016
IGDB Rating:5.8/10
Published:a month ago
100ft Robot Golf is a game that takes the sport of golf to new heights, quite literally. As the name suggests, you play as massive robots who take on the role of golfers. It's a concept that is both intriguing and amusing, but unfortunately, the execution falls short in some areas.

The gameplay in 100ft Robot Golf is a mix of traditional golf mechanics and arcade-style action. You'll navigate your giant robot across various courses, smashing through buildings and obstacles along the way. The controls are relatively simple, with a combination of button presses and joystick movements to swing the club and move around the course. While the concept is fun, the controls can feel clunky and imprecise at times, leading to frustration and missed shots.
100ft Robot Golf screenshot 1

The game offers both single-player and multiplayer modes, allowing you to compete against AI opponents or challenge your friends. The single-player campaign consists of a series of tournaments, each with its own unique challenges and objectives. Unfortunately, the AI opponents can be quite predictable and lack the strategic depth that would make the matches more engaging.

Visually, 100ft Robot Golf has a charming and colorful art style that suits the over-the-top nature of the game. The environments are well-designed, with a variety of settings ranging from cityscapes to deserts. However, the graphics can be a bit rough around the edges, with occasional frame rate drops and texture pop-ins.
100ft Robot Golf screenshot 2

One of the major drawbacks of 100ft Robot Golf is the lack of content. While the concept is interesting, the game feels somewhat shallow and repetitive after a while. There are only a limited number of courses to play on, and the gameplay mechanics don't offer enough variety to keep things fresh. Additionally, the lack of customization options for your robot golfer is disappointing.

Despite its flaws, 100ft Robot Golf does provide some enjoyable moments. It's a game that doesn't take itself too seriously and offers a unique twist on the traditional sport of golf. The multiplayer mode can be particularly entertaining when playing with friends. However, the clunky controls, lack of depth, and limited content prevent it from reaching its full potential.
100ft Robot Golf screenshot 3

In conclusion, 100ft Robot Golf is a fun but flawed golfing experience. While the concept is unique and the art style is charming, the gameplay falls short in terms of controls and depth. If you're looking for a lighthearted and casual golf game with a twist, it's worth checking out. However, if you're seeking a more immersive and polished golfing experience, you may want to look elsewhere.
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100ft Robot Golf